Home Feature Violent protests around the world

Violent protests around the world

by Yucatan Times
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Violent protests across the globe are continuing to threaten lives and cripple major cities.

Over the weekend in Santiago, Chile, three people died in a supermarket fire as angry protests entered their seventh day. Authorities “are collecting more details” on the deaths, the first since demonstrations broke out nearly a week ago over a hike in public transport costs.

The unrest has forced Chile’s military to issue a curfew for the entire Santiago metropolitan region until 7:00 a.m. local time (6:00 a.m. ET)

Protests began in Santiago after the government proposed increasing the price of Metro tickets. Chilean President Sebastian Piñera announced Saturday that ministers will suspend the plan, after declaring a state of emergency the previous day.

Photo: Flickr: Holding Hands for Catalan Independence

In Spain is entering its second week of protests over a court ruling regarding Catalan politicians. Last Monday, the politicians were handed heavy sentences by the Spanish Supreme Court for their role in an independence movement that tried to separate Catalunya from the rest of Spain two years ago.

Catalunya president Quim Torra has called for talks with the Spanish government after a fifth consecutive night of violence in the streets of Barcelona, and other parts of the region, as anger over the jailing of Catalan separatist leaders continued.

More than half a million pro-independence protesters gathered Friday in the Catalan capital, for a peaceful march which converged on the city center, but violence broke out and fires were set in the evening, leading to 64 people being detained and 89 wounded, according to a spokesman for the Interior Ministry.

Since protests began on Monday, over 300 people have been detained, more than 200 police officers have been injured and 171 vehicles have been damaged.

Photo: Getty Images / CNN

Hong Kong
Violent protests in Hong Kong have entered their 20th week. Over the past week, protesters have clashed with authorities in all three locations for different reasons.

Hong Kong’s protests have become increasingly destructive in the past month, with widespread vandalism and trashing of stores seen as pro-Beijing during demonstrations.

On Sunday a march in the popular shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui quickly deteriorated into violence as petrol bombs were thrown and fires were lit in subway stations and outside shops.

According to Wang, protesters in Spain had begun to adopt Hong Kong tactics, including the “Be Water” slogan to avoid police.

An editorial in state-run tabloid Global Times accused Hong Kong demonstrators of “exporting revolution to the world.” “The West is paying the price for supporting riots in Hong Kong, which has quickly kindled violence in other parts of the world and foreboded the political risks that the West can’t manage” the editorial said.

The United States has repeatedly voiced support for the Hong Kong protesters, to the fury of the Chinese government.


The Yucatan Times


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