President Andrés Manuel López and governor Mauricio Vila Dosal announced the construction of a honey distribution center, which will also work with a processor to pack and package “so that we not only sell the honey at a good price, but also a finished product, which can leave a greater economic benefit for all our beekeepers,” according to Vila Dosal.
The collection center is estimated to benefit 12,500 Yucatecan beekeepers.
The announcement was made on the second and final day of AMLO’s working tour of Yucatan on Saturday Nov. 9.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared: “This center will be open so that producers not only sell the honey per gallon at a good price, but also the finished product packed and bottled, which can leave a greater economic spill for all our beekeepers ”.
“At the beginning of next year, we will begin with th e construction of this important collection center “to improve the economy of all beekeeping families”, and for the benefit of 12,500 Yucatecan beekeepers”, governor Mauricio Vila concluded.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom