Yucatan remains as first place at national level in the number of cases of acute alcohol poisoning. Up to December 14th, 9,248 cases had been registered in the state (8,402 men and 846 women), according to data from the Federal Ministry of Health.
In 2018 the state also ranked first in alcohol poisoning, with a total of 10,524 cases.
According to the Epidemiological Bulletin corresponding to week 50, after Yucatan, Mexico City comes second with 3,132 cases and Jalisco with 2,834. However, the number of cases registered in Yucatan exceed by far the figure of Mexico City and Jalisco together.
Acute alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency due to the risk of death from respiratory depression or aspiration of vomit if vomiting occurs while the person is unresponsive. Emergency treatment strives to stabilize and maintain an open airway and sufficient breathing, while waiting for the alcohol to metabolize.
As reported by The Yucatan Times one week ago, the last two Sundays of December and the first of January, the alcohol sale hours will be extended on the occasion of the holidays, so an increase in the number of alcohol poisoning cases is expected.
The high consumption of alcohol is related to different social factors, such as depression, suicidal tendencies and family violence, and in addition, a large number of crimes are committed by individuals under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom