On Wednesday Jan. 28, governor Mauricio Vila Dosal held a meeting with Yucatecan migrants in Los Angeles California, United States, to whom he delivered presents sent by their relatives who reside in different municipalities of the Yucatan, and Vila told them that they are not alone, because they have the support of his administration at all times .
In an emotional meeting, Vila Dosal interacted with more than 100 Yucatecans that live full time in the United States and who, for various reasons, have not been able to return to their homeland territory. Vila assured that the State Government will continue to work so that more and more civilians can be reunited with their fathers and mothers, whom they have not seen for many years.
On the other hand, Yucatecan migrants pointed out Vila Dosal as the first Governor of the State, who visits the Yucatecan community in California in 15 years. It is estimated that there are 200,000 Yucatecans living in the US, which represents almost 10% of the population of Yucatan
Honey, typical clothes, Dutch cheese and traditional sweets were some of the gifts that the Governor personally deliver them. These goods were sent by their parents, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins and nephews with great affection, so that they keep a part of Yucatan and can share it with your friends and loved ones in the United States.
Such is the case of Jaime de Jesús Balam Uc, thisman has not seen his parents Florentino Balam Chablé and Dulce Uc Fleet, in 19 years. Jaime de Jesus decided to leave his home in the municipality of Muna in search of better opportunities, his parents sent him a guayabera and a pair of espadrilles to wear with pride and remember his Yucatecan roots.
In the same way, Abimael Alcocer Burgos, with much emotion, received from the Governor the “Queso de Bola” that his parents, Nicolás Alcocer Domínguez and Lidia María Burgos, sent him. Abimael has not seen his native Muna in 12 years.
In this context, Vila Dosal reaffirmed that, in Yucatan, efforts are being made so that their relatives have a better quality of life and more opportunities so they do not have to leave the state.
Also, the Governor heard the main concerns of the countrymen and agreed with them on the importance of implementing activities that promote the Yucatecan culture and traditions, in order to preserve the identity and foster the love of their new generations for the land of their parents and grandparents.
Similarly, the Governor talked with migrants who will receive a visit from their father or mother next February 12, as part of the “White Head” program, that provides Yucatecan abuelitos with the opportunity of spending 40 days with their loved ones in the U.S.
Some of these people toldl Vila Dosal how they miss the traditions and way of life of the Yucatan.
Migrants from the municipalities of Muna, Kantunil, Muxupip, Motul, Seyé, Tunkás, Chuburná, Tixkokob, Hunucmá, Telchac Pueblo, Mocochá and Bokobá participated in the meeting held at the Durango State Government office in Los Angeles, California.