Since the early hours of the morning, various criminal acts have been reported, including a confrontation with soldiers in the town of Nuevo Israel, in southern Quintana Roo
A confrontation between alleged criminals and members of the Army was reported, this in the south of the state of Quintana Roo where the arrival of a small plane has stood out, which could well be an air vehicle of an organized crime group, they have reported injured soldiers, AMLO confirmed the facts during his morning conference.
The first reports that were registered during the early hours of this Monday, which indicated that the municipality of José María Morelos, would have had around 40 private vehicles with heavily armed people in the aforementioned cars.
The cars with armed people arrived from Federal Highway 184 that goes from Merida towards the town of Polyuc, however, these were not the only reports of the incident, since the neighboring country of Belize reported an alleged aircraft that crossed this nation without the overflight permit granted, which set off the alerts on this matter by the Mexican authorities.
Unofficially, it is mentioned that the convoy of armed vehicles probably came from Merida to receive the drugs brought by the aircraft that landed on federal highway 293 near the town of New Israel, which is already secured by elements of the Army, who are now at the scene of the events.
The Yucatan Times