“The Yucatan Peninsula remains on an epidemiological alert, due to the accelerated increase in the number of cases of Dengue, since last week, there were five daily cases”, the federal Ministry of Health reported.
One out of every five cases of the lethal pathology registered on Mexican territory, corresponds to this region of the country.
Dengue has been growing without a truce since last year, and fortunately, so far, in the country the lethality index of this pathology caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito is Zero.
For the second consecutive week, Quintana Roo is the State with the highest incidence in the country, with 7.78 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants, Yucatan is in fifth place, with 3.51, while Campeche, is eighth, with 2.05 for every 100,000 inhabitants.
Serotypes 01, 02 and 03 of this deadly disease have been detected so far this year in different laces across the Yucatan Peninsula.
Faced with this anomaly, the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY), continues with the operation for the control of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, since the desease is present in 28 municipalities, and other populations within the State.
The fumigation and fogging tasks, helo to control these diptera, in its adult stage. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector of Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, Mayaro and yellow fever, although the latter two are absent in the Mexican Republic (at least for the moment).
The disease is on the rise nationwide, and only this week, the country increased by 26.55 percent, compared to the previous one, detecting 37 daily cases.
In the first seven epidemiological weeks, those infected belong to 24 states, that is, the problem is absent in Aguascalientes, Baja California, Chihuahua, Mexico City, Durango, Querétaro, Tlaxcala and Zacatecas, except for the State of Mexico, where one case has been registered.
The National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece) of the federal Helth Secretariat, reported that so far 1,200 cases have already been diagnosed in the Mexican Republic, with an increase of 98.86 percent, since in the same period of 2019 (616 cases were registered).
The Yucatan Peninsula has 239 infected, so it is the most impacted region, so far, because of every five confirmed cases in the country, one corresponds to this region.
Regarding the presence of the disease in the country, it has a variable distribution, since 339 cases have been detected in Veracruz, 27.67 percent of the national total, followed by Quintana Roo, with 140 infected.
Also, in Yucatán, there are 79 cases diagnosed, with an increase of 15 times more than in the same period of the previous year.
According to the “Epidemiological Panorama of Dengue”, last week, cases of Dengue have been confirmed in 20 Yucatecan municipalities: Akil, Buctzotz, Celestún, Chankom, Chemax, Dzitás, Hunucmá, Maxcanú, Mérida, Motul, Muxupip, Progreso, Sanahcat, Suma, Ticul, Tixkokob, Tixpeual, Tizimín, Umán and Valladolid; and now Cacalchén, Cenotillo, Conkal, Dzan, Halachó, Kanasín, Peanut, and Seyé are part of the list as well.
Yucatán is in sixth place in the national incidence table, with 6.45 percent of the total cases in all of Mexico, while Quintana Roo is second place, with 11.43 percent, and Campeche, is 14, with 20 cases, 1.63 percent.
The Yucatan TimeNewsroom