Hunucmá residents caught a young man who was allegedly setting fire to the roof of a house with a lighter.
The arrest of this subject, which was subsequently handed over to the Police, occurred in the middle of the fire in four homes this morning, which add to others that have occurred since mid-2019.
The subject, José NC, 18 years old and alcoholic, was surprised by a motorcyclist when he was setting fire to a house, not far from where other three houses were already on fire, all of them with a huano roof and all four belonging to senior people.
When he was discovered, the young man tried to escape, but the motorcyclist alerted the people shouting and blowing the horn of his vehicle.
People came out and caught the individual, who had in his possession the lighter with which he set fire to the house of Prisciliano T., 93, who fortunately, was able to put out the fire on time.
Three other burning houses did not run with the same fate and collapsed along with several belongings inside.
For now it is unknown if the suspect is the perpetrator of all three fires.
During the course of the morning several people communicated to report fires of houses with huano roofs.
Firefighters with the support of residents who sympathized with the victims, although in some cases the fire damaged the homes and various belongings inside.
People reported that in one of the cases they saw two hooded subjects coming out of the courtyard of one of the wrecked homes.
A week ago we published the case of a subject who was captured by Hunucmá neighbors and tied to a pole, because the neighbors accused him of burning houses.
According to reports, since mid-2019 there have been house fires in Hunucmá. The police are investigating at least 11 such accidents.