Because a house in Mérida placed a sign asking people not to use their sidewalk as a “smoking area”, many local social media users are saying that some downtown residents want to “privatize” the Mérida sidewalks.
This situation has originated true anger in social networks, as the recent news about foreign people stating they own the beach in front of their property in Quintana Roo, have made some Mexicans paranoid about people pretending to take over public property.
The house in question is located on Calle 43 (between 60 and 58), in the Historic Center of Merida, near the Santa Ana neighborhood. An area where several signs of different sizes have started to pop-up, in which residents complain against the noise from bars, and now they are also expressing their disagreement with a wide array of other different facts.
You can also read on that blanket that the front of their house is not a place to tie dogs, leave motorcycles, bicycles, make phone calls and much less an area for smoking and throwing cigarette butts.

The message is in Spanish and English, and with letters highlighted in red, the property owner asks to respect other people’s property, a situation that has generated a lot of anger among users of social networks.
Outside the aforementioned property, the owner of the house has also placed buckets filled with cement, to block the parking of vehicles.

Due to these images that are circulating on social networks since Tuesday Feb. 25, many Facebook users have criticized the owners of that house, claiming they are foreigners.
But in fact, it has been confirmed that the person who posted the sign is Yucatecan, born and raised in Mérida. It was believed that the house owners were foreigners, because the text is in English and Spanish, but in fact, it is a Yucatecan who wants to forbid his fellowmen Meridanos to “use” the front of his property.
And just as it has generated discomfort, other users of social networks have expressed their understanding of the owners’ controversial position, saying that they have every right to place the message they want in front of their property.
The Yucatan TimesNewsroom