ON Thursday Feb. 20th, the first phase of the program “Operation Kukulkan Dog Rescue” began, with the aim of giving these dogs a better quality of life, as well as finding them a home.
MÉRIDA (Times Media Mexico).- In order to give a better quality of life and even find a family for the dogs that live within the archaeological zone of Chichen Itza, the first phase of the program “Kukulkan Dog Rescue Operation” was carried out, which consisted of the dogs eating kibble for a while, inside “trap-cages” so that they have trust when the time comes to catch them for their medical check-up.
The director of the Patronato Cultur, Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, went to Chichén Itzá on Thursday morning accompanied by representatives of four animal protection associations, to kick off the first stage of this plan, which is being carried out in coordination with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).
It was indicated that there are currently 27 dogs in the area, of which some females had a litter of puppies, although many were adopted by people from the nearby communities
It was indicated that in the next stage, which will last approximately four weeks, each of the dogs will be identified and fitted with collars containing their information, as well as their health status.
At the same time, they will be given medication. The health of the dogs will also be determined, so that the appropriate treatment can be given, if necessary.
After this process, it will be decided how many can stay to maintain the balance in the area and prevent more from arriving, while the others will be given up for adoption.
It was highlighted that a space will be created where the dogs can be when they are captured and an informative campaign will be carried out so that visitors do not give them food, so that this way they are only fed with the kibble they receive in the traps.
The Yucatan Times