The coastal town of Chabihau, in the municipality of Yobaín, Yucatán, received over one thousand visitors, who enjoyed the activities of the Festival de la Veda, which took place on Saturday Feb. 29th and Sunday March 1st in this Yucatecan port.
From early on Saturday, locals and walkers participated in the different activities, and enjoyed the gastronomy at the local restaurants.
People tasted the food made with marine products, such as ceviches, fish fillets, herb fish, dogfish, shrimp and others.
The coconut candy, coconut tortillas, ice cream, the cocadas and cremitas were the most requested products by visitors.
There was also an extensive exhibition of crafts, which men and women of this port make for sale, as a form of extra income for the family economy.

Visitors who arrived on Saturday enjoyed boat rides, a parrot contest, beach cleaning, volleyball games, family outdoor cinema and other activities carried out by the Secretariat of Cultural and Arts (Sedeculta) and the Institute for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the State of Yucatán (Iipedey).
Students of the Juan Cano y Cano telesecundaria participated in a competition of garbage cans made with recycled materials, the rescue of traditional games and the preparation of posters with environmental messages.
Endemic plants were also offered “for adoption”.
People who attended the events of the Festival of the Veda said that a family atmosphere can be felt in Chabihau, that there is also a sense of awareness when it comes to environmental care, and that tourism could help to boost the economy of the fishermen families.
The Yucatan TimesNewsroom