Home Headlines Heat and sunlight, allies of the Yucatecans in the fight against cornovirus

Heat and sunlight, allies of the Yucatecans in the fight against cornovirus

by Yucatan Times
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When asked if the Yucatan hot weather could be an obstacle for survival of Coronavirus, Carlos Machaín Williams, research professor at the Center for Regional Research “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi” of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (Uady), responds sharply:“ Without a doubt ”.

Machaín Williams underlined that coronavirus will eventually arrive to the Peninsula, and Yucatecans, like the rest of the world population, will have to adapt to living with this virus without panicking. and with implementing the corresponding hygiene measures to reduce the risks of infection.

The specialist warns that this coronavirus is even less lethal than others known and, based on the statistics collected so far, says that it has been identified that the group most vulnerable to its effects is that of people over 50 years of age.

The expert also indicated that the weather is an ally of the Yucatecans, because the intense heat and solar radiation somehow destroy the pathogens.

However, he notes that in any case precautions have to be taken in closed places, where there are artificial microclimates and humidity is conducive to the spread of the virus.

Machaín Williams anticipated that with the arrival of Covid-19 there will be a high point with many patients, as has happened with the presence of other viruses, but in time, the people’s organisms will generate antibodies. and “no more Coronavirus in Yucatan”.

The “Hideyo Noguchi” research professor also stated that Covid-19 is one of several coronaviruses that circulate in the world.

Back in 2002, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which emerged in China, caused a lot of alarm just as the Covid-19 doing right now.

He added that, these coronaviruses, spread as a result of the management of wild animals in Asian markets, which is part of Chinese culinary culture.

Then, Machaín Williams explained: “A virus does not appear overnight. Most likely, Covid-19 has been circulating among the population of Wuhan, China for weeks or even months.”

“When people started to get sick, surely in the first moments they were mildly ill, and that was why there was no alarm, but when more serious cases began to arise and the number of cases began to multiply, the authorities saw that the situation was getting out of control, and that it was something not identified.”

“Fortunately, unlike other outbreaks that have emerged as SARS and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), this coronavirus was identified very quickly”.

“In a matter of weeks it was already known that it was some type of coronavirus, and that obviously allows to apply the screening tests, which were done quickly too”.

“Be careful when touching any surfaces, at shopping malls, for example, or in offices with A/C. Since indoor premises where there is no direct sunlight are perfect for pathogens to survive. Why? Because they enconunter a favorable humidity condition, without direct sun light”.

“When there is more heat, obviously there is also a greater presence of solar radiation, which destroys pathogens. Therefore, precautions should be taken in closed places with controlled climate, such as homes, offices, shops, shopping centers, etc”.

The Yucatan Times

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