Campeche will be part of a pilot program that in partnership with Google for Education will be implemented in Multigrade Schools and State Normal (Teachers’) Schools.
This was announced by the Campeche State Secretary of Education, Ricardo Koh Cambranis, after meeting with the director of Google for Education for Latin America, Daniel Cleffi, within the framework of the Innovate for Mexico Program, organized by the aforementioned technological multinational.
Derived from this meeting, the person in charge of education policies in the State said that thanks to the success that Campeche has represented in the implementation of programs in conjunction with Google, it will be part of a pilot program to carry out learning strategies for students of the educational levels, through the technological tools of Google.

Ricardo Koh Cambranis highlighted the relevance of these actions, since through the acquired knowledge, it is possible to propose strategies to transform the educational sector, incorporating the use of technology in the training of students, and have them join the scheme that is being currently implemented in Campeche, through the use of Chromebook devices.
The momentum on the use of technology in the educational sector is peaking in the state of Campeche right now, thanks to the right decisions taken by the State Government.
The Yucatan TimesNewsroom