As of midnight Saturday April 4th, a full ban on all alcohol sales will be in place across the state of Campeche, a decision intended to support the preventative Coronavirus measures currently in place statewide.Â
The announcement marks a further restriction on measures imposed only 48 hours earlier by the state authorities which had formally banned sale of alcohol in public venues (bars, restaurants etc) and limited shop purchases by citizens to between midday and 6pm daily.Â
There is no current end-date to the ban as the Health Ministry and the State Governor declare this coming week to be crucial in the fight against the new Coronavirus and are using all measures at their disposal to limit public gatherings, in public or private.
In addition, all beaches will now be closed, without exception, in itself an expansion of previous case-by-case decisions previously affecting only Campeche’s most popular public beaches such as Playa Bonita and Payucan.Â
Xochitl Poot López, Director of the state’s Health Services, continued to instruct citizens to stay at home and only leave on essential business. Notwithstanding, although the streets of the capital are quieter, they are currently far from empty, suggesting that many businesses are unwilling or perhaps more correctly unable to cease trading for fear of the economic harm they will suffer.
At time of writing, confirmed cases across Campeche now number 8, spread between the two main cities of Ciudad del Carmen and Campeche capital.
The Yucatan Times