Starting April 24th, only one passenger per vehicle and street closings in Mérida and the rest of Yucatan

From Friday, April 24, the use of face masks will be mandatory throughout the state.

Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, announced a series of measures to protect the health of all Yucatecans and prevent a greater number of coronavirus infections in “this phase 3 of the contingency, which means that the entire country has entered a stage of generalized epidemic in which further increases the risks of contagion and therefore stricter measures and protocols must be implemented. ”

In this new stage, Vila Dosal reported the provision of the mandatory use of the mouth mask starting this Friday, April 24 “as a necessary measure to help stop the chain of infections.” This measure, he added, “is mandatory and those who violate it will be subject to different sanctions established in the Law.”

“The use of face masks will be mandatory as it has been proven that their use significantly reduces the potential for infection. Those who do not use it will not be able to get on public transport, they will not be able to access essential businesses and essential businesses that do not respect these provisions will be closed, “the governor specified.

Likewise, it announced that as of Friday, April 24, only a maximum of one person will be allowed for each vehicle for private use. The exception, said the state president, “will be when it comes to the transfer of people who need medical attention, in which case the transferred person must travel in the rear seats of the vehicle.”

Public transport

In the case of taxis and Uber-type transport services, they will only be allowed to carry one passenger. If necessary, they can carry up to two passengers, only if any of them should receive attention from health services.

To duly comply with these new provisions, special operations and checkpoints will be implemented throughout Yucatan with the support of personnel from different dependencies of the state government, headed by the Ministry of Public Security who, also, to reduce social mobility, will proceed to closure of streets and non-essential avenues.

In his message, the governor remarked that, “as I have previously expressed, the coronavirus has shown us that our health, our own life and that of our loved ones are at high risk. So for this reason, it is everyone’s responsibility to collaborate to stop the chain of infections so that the attention capacity of our health system is not exceeded.”

The Yucatan Times

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1 comment

Colin Gillett April 26, 2020 - 8:52 pm
yes its essential that they do that
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