An Oxxo store, located in the municipality of Hunucmá, 50 kilometers to the west of Yucatan, was closed by agents of the Municipal Police, since its employees were reported to have symptoms of coronavirus.
According to the report, this Oxxo store, located on the Hunucmá-Tetiz highway, was closed down on Saturday May 2nd, for alleged symptoms of coronavirus among the staff.
The report mentions that several employees who work in this convenience store showed symptoms of Covid-19, and due to this situation, the store was closed and the workers have already been isolated to avoid the risk of coronavirus infections.

Given this coronavirus related situation, the company “Fomento Económico Mexicano (Femsa)” that owns these stores, who must confirm or deny the facts.
Three Oxxo stores have already been closed down to for situations related to coronavirus, one in the municipality in Hunucmá on May 2nd; and two in Mérida on Friday, May 1st.

With 16 positive cases, Hunucmá ranks fourth out of the 106 municipalities in Yucatan; Mérida, tops the list with 388 confirmed cases; Valladolid is second with 31; Uman third with 23.
The Yucatan TimesNewsroom