In his morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticized the National Electoral Institute, which he said is the most expensive apparatus for organizing elections in the world and, furthermore, is not capable of guaranteeing fair elections.
According to the president, his triumph in the last elections was due to the fact that “it was impossible to commit fraud, but in the previous elections, [the INE] allowed that to happen.”
AMLO announced that he will present in his “mañanera” the structure of the INE, the total salaries their staff receives. And what will be sought is to readjust the structures to avoid duplication.
According to López Obrador, the creation of autonomous institutes was carried out in previous administrations with the purpose of “simulating and co-opting”, as an example given by the National Council to Prevent Discrimination.
In relation to the actions taken against the autonomous institutes by his government, he will continue with the fight against these evils, the protection of children, and the fight against discrimination.