Morena Party wants to change the Constitution and seeks to punish anyone who according to them encourages, promotes, or incites hatred in media or social networks.
MEXICO (Agencies) – Morena’s legislators seek to punish with up to four years in prison anyone who encourages, promotes or incites hatred, hostility, discrimination or violence against individuals or groups by any means, including media and social networks.
Lorenia Valles Sampedro presented to the Permanent Commission an initiative to classify hate speech crime in the Federal Criminal Code, with penalties of one to four years in prison or one hundred and fifty to three hundred days of work in favor of the community and a fine. “There is sufficient basis to be able to classify hate speech in the Federal Criminal Code. Hate speech understood as the encouragement, promotion, or instigation, in any of its forms, of hatred, humiliation, or contempt for a person or group of persons. As well as harassment, discredit, and dissemination of negative stereotypes, stigmatization or threat in respect of that person or group of persons and the justification for such manifestations on the grounds of race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, language, religion or belief, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics or status,” she argues.
The federal legislator’s proposal seeks to amend Article 149 of the Federal Criminal Code to toughen the punishment of anyone who violates human dignity or undermines the rights and freedoms of individuals based on Ethnic or national origin. Race, skin color, language, gender, sex, preference, sexual orientation or identity, age, marital status, civic or social origin, human mobility status, migration status, social or economic status, health status, pregnancy, and political opinions.
The reform adds sections IV, V, VI, and VII to criminalize hate speech to punish anyone who “fosters, promotes or incites hatred, hostility, discrimination or violence against persons or groups of persons.” This includes mass media and social networks.
MORENA seeks with this to restrict freedom of expression to the mass media and those voices raised against the president and the political system of Mexico. Perhaps they should start with the president who divides the country every day and has a new insult against his political opponents.
Here are some of AMLO’s favorite insults.
Achichincle, alcahuete, aprendiz de carterista, arrogante, blanquito, calumniador, callaron como momias, camajanes, canallín, chachalaca, chayotero, cínico, cómplice, conservador, corruptos, corruptazo, deshonesto, desvergonzado, espurio, farsante, fichita, fifí, fracaso, fresa, gacetillero vendido, hablantín, hampones, hipócritas, huachicolero, ingratos, intolerante, ladrón, lambiscones, machuchón, mafioso, mafiosillo, maiceado, majadero, malandrín, malandro, maleante, malhechor, mañoso, mapachada de angora, matraquero, me da risa, megacorrupto, miente como respira, mentirosillo, minoría rapaz, mirona profesional, monarca de moronga azul, moralmente derrotados, mugre, ñoño, obnubilado, oportunista, paleros, pandilla de rufianes, parte del bandidaje, payaso de las cachetadas, pelele, pequeño faraón acomplejado, perversos, pillo, piltrafa moral, pirrurris, politiquero demagogo, ponzoñoso, pregonero, prensa vendida, ratero, reaccionario de abolengo, represor, reverendo ladrón, riquín, risa postiza, salinista, señoritingo, sepulcro blanqueado, simulador, siniestro, tapadera, tecnócratas neoporfiristas, ternurita, títere, traficante de influencias, traidorzuelo, vulgar, zopilote.