The National Regulatory Improvement Commission (CONAMER) and the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) announced that the Mérida municipal administration received national recognition by obtaining the highest rating from the National Regulatory Improvement Observatory.
This recognition positions Mérida as a national example of a modern government that generates favorable conditions for attracting investment, generating sources of employment, and being close to the people.

Regulatory improvement is a public policy that consists of generating clear rules, simplified procedures, and services, as well as effective institutions for its creation and practice.
The Sub-National Regulatory Improvement Indicator evaluates 3 general pillars, which are public policies, institutions, and tools.

Based on the analysis of these factors, Mérida is positioned as the most advanced municipality nationwide, with a rating of 4.0 out of 5 possible points.
The National Observatory for Regulatory Improvement is an instance of citizen participation, chaired by the Business Coordinating Council, which monitors the efficiency of governments with regard to their relationship with citizens and companies.