Quintana Roo, Mexico (July 28, 2020) .- Accompanied by TV hostess Claudia Lizaldi and other Mexican celebrities, Yucatecan PAN senator Raúl Paz Alonzo participated in a party with lots of alcohol, but no mouth covers or healthy distance.
The photographs and videos of this wild party, which took place on a catamaran in Puerto Aventuras in the neighboring state of Quintana Roo, were released by attendees to the gathering and showed that they had a great time.

In the midst of the health contingency for COVID-19, the Yucatecan legislator was accompanied by Claudia Lizaldi, Paco Ayala (from the band Molotov), Heydee Hofmann, and Sandra Chahin, among other guests.
Interestingly, the National Electoral Institute (INE) reported Paz Alonzo on a list of 41 public servants who used the pandemic to promote themselves, in his case, with the distribution of antibacterial gel and brochures that bore his name.
Senator Paz also distributed mouth covers in the Yucatan capital not long ago, but apparently he ran out because he did not bring one to this meeting.

On March 14th, the PAN senator revealed he wants to run for mayor of Mérida, one day after the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the state was announced.
Not too long ago, Paz Alonzo said in a social networks’ message that “he had learned from his mistakes.” The question is: “Is he still on a learning process?”