MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (September 22, 2020).- Civil Protection Inspectors closed the C&A store located on the top floor of the Gran Plaza on Tuesday, September 22nd, where there was a crowd at the door of the establishment that exceeded 120 people, in addition to the fact that there were over one hundred customers inside already.
Representatives of Civil Protection (Procivy) and of the General Secretariat of Government (Secretaría General de Gobierno: SGG) came to the store and spoke with those in charge so that the prevention measures of Covid-19 were respected, among them the healthy distance, both inside and outside of the premises.

However, the store manager behaved in an aggressive and rude manner, verbally attacking the inspectors, who immediately proceeded to close down the store, faced with such an attitude from the manager.
The events occurred at approximately 1:30 in the afternoon at the C&A store located on the second floor of the Gran Plaza shopping center, in the Montes de Amé neighborhood, northern Mérida.