Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations said that Mexico has requested the US-Mexico land border agreement be extended until Oct. 21 due to COVID-19.
In a series of tweets, the agency asked that the “restrictions on non-essential land traffic” be extended for another month.
Ebrard demands restrictions to be extended another month.
Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reservedPhoto by: Elliot Spagat/APCars wait in line to enter the United States at San Diego’s San Ysidro border crossing, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020, in Tijuana, Mexico. A Trump administration crackdown on nonessential travel coming from Mexico amid the coronavirus pandemic has created massive bottlenecks at the border, with drivers reporting waits of up to 10 hours to get into the U.S. (AP Photo/Elliot Spagat)By: Scripps NationalPosted at 3:24 PM, Sep 17, 2020 and last updated 4:32 PM, Sep 17, 2020
Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations said that Mexico has requested the US-Mexico land border agreement be extended until Oct. 21 due to COVID-19.
In a series of tweets, the agency asked that the “restrictions on non-essential land traffic” be extended for another month.
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“After reviewing the development of the spread of # COVID19, Flag of Mexico proposed to Flag of United States the extension, for one more month, of the restrictions on non-essential land traffic on their common border.”