The Undersecretary of Health denied that in the case of the Russian vaccine, the arrival of 32 million doses is contemplated because there is no such authorization from Cofepris
MEXICO CITYÂ (Times Media Mexico/SSA) – The Ministry of Health informed this Sunday that the number of cases confirmed by covid-19 in Mexico increased to 668 thousand 381. In contrast, the number of suspects of the new strain of coronavirus is 82 thousand 870.
As for deaths, the number reached 70 thousand 801 people after the report of 217 new cases compared to Saturday’s account and the closing of week 36.
The Health Undersecretary, Hugo López-Gatell, denied that in the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, the arrival of 32 million doses is contemplated, as reported last week because there is no such authorization from Cofepris, which is the regulating organ.
What will happen is the participation of Mexicans in phase three of the study.
There is no agreement between the Mexican government and the Russian government to transfer or purchase vaccines that have not yet been evaluated in Mexico.
“The fact that Mexicans and Mexicans participate in clinical trials complies with the logic, rules, regulations, and ethical standards of clinical research in human subjects,” he said.
Questioned about the accusation that will be filed this Monday in the General Attorney’s Office of the Republic (FGR) by PAN legislators for the handling that the federal administration has carried out in front of this pandemic, the official refused to discuss it, even more, when, he said, it is an electoral political matter.
Any political party has the right to express itself or take action according to the law. There is no doubt that in electoral periods the parties need to demonstrate that they are active and have a public function that society could appreciate so that everyone acts according to their conscience. For the public good,” he said.
Undersecretary Lopez-Gatell regretted that Mexico’s budgets do not label direct tax resources for specific products for public health programs to prevent obesity and diabetes.
That sometimes discourages those of us who think resources should be allocated more directly to particular interventions. I think it would be positive if, at some point in tax reform, the country had mechanisms to more clearly ensure the use of resources in the spending package aligned with what is entered,” he said.
Regarding the technical report on the disease, the Undersecretary of Health highlighted that in Mexico, the epidemic has been on a general downward trend for seven weeks (mid-July), and only seven states remain with an increase in the number of cases.
“There is no doubt that in Mexico, the epidemic is going down and yes and only if these conditions of an orderly distrust are maintained, which is directly directed by the state governments, we will have a sustained reduction until eventually, in October, we will have a significant reduction,” he said.
One million 516 thousand 588 cases have been studied at the national level, of which 668 thousand 381 are positive for the virus, and 82 thousand 870 are suspected.
He insisted that only 6 percent of the total positive (40 thousand 178 cases) are from the last 15 days, which would be active.