The nuclear plant would be located in Baja, California.
MEXICO CITY (Times Media Mexico) – During a Senate hearing Energy Secretary Rocio Nahle said, CFE is considering building a nuclear plant. “Do we want nuclear power? Yes, I am convinced. CFE is analyzing a plant,” revealed.
The plant would be located in Baja, California, and the company is carrying out the studies and consultations to the population in the State. Nahle commented that this electrical technology is “the cleanest and most continuous.”
“The United States, in a very frequent way, brags to be a nuclear leader, and yes, it has 40 nuclear terminals. It is continuous and safe, effective and we have it aside, it is time that in Mexico we talk about nuclear energy. It was a subject that was banned, and it is very beneficial energy.” she added.
In December 2019, the company led by Manuel Bartlett said it was considering building four more nuclear reactors in the country, two more at the Laguna Verde plant, and two on the Pacific coast.
The cost for each nuclear reactor with an installed capacity of 1,400 MegaWatts (MW) would be 7 billion dollars approximately for a life of 60 years, considering that each MegaWatt of installed capacity costs 5 million USD, according to estimates of the production company of the State.
Nahle revealed that in 2019 she changed her perception about this controversial energy after a conversation with her then American counterpart, Rick Perry.
The nuclear industry prides itself on having high safety standards. That means that safety is the highest priority and that every decision, step, and precaution is grounded in that approach. For instance, the U.S. industry continues to be recognized as one of the safest industrial working environments in the world. The question is: Can Mexico operate with those enormous high standards?