Located east of the Mérida-Motul highway, between the towns of Cholul and Sitpach, is the Kankabchén Hacienda, a place where love was transformed into hatred, revenge, and a horrible moan that can still be heard between its already worn walls.
Kankabchén means “well of red earth.”
Many have been the voices that have testified to the noises heard inside the building, as well as paranormal presences that had to frighten more than one, and that are allegedly reflected in some photographs.
The hacienda had its maximum splendor during the rise of the so-called ” green gold era ” of Yucatán in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the times when the henequen (Sisal), made the Yucatan one of the wealthiest territories in the country. And according to legend, the story that is told today arose from a love tragedy.
The legend says that there lived a very young couple who counted the days to unite their lives in marriage, everything was happiness in the Casares family towards what would be the most important date in their lives.
However, the animal desire of the ranch foreman took away that happiness. One day he took advantage of the situation to sexually abuse the bride to be.
Upon finding out, the groom was filled with rage and took justice into his own hand, killing the man that reaped his fiancé. Days later, guilt did not let him live, so he decided to kill himself.
It is counted among the settlers that the young man’s parents practiced witchcraft and threw a curse on the property and on everyone who inhabits it, and that is the reason why the hacienda is still abandoned.

The other story
On the other hand, it is said that the old owner of the hacienda, who used to mistreat his employees, practiced witchcraft, and had a pact with the devil.
One day, tired of the violence they suffered, the workers organized, and when their employer returned they killed the man with machetes, but when he died a red tail emerged (the man turned into a demon).
Since that day, noises and lamentations can be heard in the place, you can even feel that someone is watching you when you pass by.