In a coordinated effort between the state government and the Mérida City Council, a total of 71.7 kilometers of cycle paths will be built in different parts of the city.
These works will create 280 new direct and 700 indirect jobs for Yucatecans, in addition to contributing to achieve safe and sustainable mobility.
In order to have a safe and sustainable urban mobility in Mérida and its metropolitan area, reduce the risks of Coronavirus infections, protect the health of the Yucatecans and reactivate the economy, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented, in coordination with the Merida City Council, the Ciclovías Infrastructure Plan, with 71.7 km of bicycle lanes.

These new routes will allow the Yucatecans to travel short distances in less time without polluting the environment and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
At the International Congress Center (CIC), the Governor led the presentation of a package of infrastructure projects that are based on international standards and, with an investment of 111 million pesos, seek to contribute to the economic reactivation of Yucatan by generating sources of work and a safer and healthier mobility alternative for those who travel by bicycle, with the more than 130 kilometers of articulated bicycle lanes that will now be available.
This Plan will bring great benefits to the population, reducing the risk of contagion of Coronavirus, providing environmentally friendly transport alternatives, savings in the family economy, and a healthy lifestyle while generating more employment and greater opportunities for the self-employment.

In addition, it integrates two strategic elements at the metropolitan level:
Articulating the cycling infrastructure and achieving the integration of structuring mobility corridors. With this, it seeks to solve in a comprehensive and relevant way the need to structure a cycling network that allows the use of different means of mobility and improves universal accessibility, prioritizing the pedestrian as the most vulnerable user of the urban space.