Campeche is among the five states in the country with the most cases of type 2 diabetes, since around 14 percent of the local population suffers from this disease, due to different factors, mainly genetic and overweight, which are accentuated by bad eating habits.
“Today, diabetes is more and more frequent among children under 15 years of age in the state of Campeche”, reported Idalia Ceballos Solórzano, the state responsible for cardio-metabolic diseases of the State Secretary of Health.
The specialist indicated that the disease is preventable with a healthy lifestyle, but above all with timely detection, that is, taking glucose control at least once a year, in addition to paying attention to risk factors, such as the increase in weight that causes the disease to become chronic, since it affects the entire body and generates other ailments.
“Type 2 diabetes is characterized by having high glucose in the blood; The pancreas has the function of regulating glucose through insulin, which we need to have energy, but there are foods that can condition the pancreas to no longer regulate glucose properly, when this process is altered, certain manifestations, discomforts begin and that is when diabetes is detected, ” she explained.
State health institutions that are committed to the prevention of overweight, obesity, sedentary or poor diet are urged to attend the timely detection modules, where a survey is determined diagnostic test and put on a nutrition plan.
The official also specified that the disease generates more acute and chronic complications, such as disability due to the amputation of the limbs, diabetic retinopathy, among others, when there is not adequate control and the person does not adhere to the indicated treatment, which includes healthy nutrition, physical activation, and psychological aspect.
“This lack of control, prolonged with a patient over 10 to 20 years of age who continues with sustained hyperglycemia, can lead to changes in the kidney level, in the eyes, and other organs, so the patient has complications and may die, but if he has an adequate nutrition can lead to a better quality of life ”, Idalia Ceballos concluded.