In an effort to de-mystify the moving household goods to Mexico process, Best Mexico Movers recently published :”What You Need to Know About Moving Your Household Goods to Mexico,” available for free download.
Chuck Bolotin, Vice President of Business Development for Best Mexico Movers told us why his company “wrote the book” about moving to Mexico. “I get calls every day from people who are confused and frustrated about the move to Mexico process because they can’t get simple, straightforward answers their questions. This book was written to provide those answers.”
Bolotin makes a big point that his company’s guide isn’t only for people who use a moving company. “Sometimes, the amount of cubic feet a person calling me wants to move is just too small to justify the price of using a moving company, so I help them think through other prudent alternatives,” he says, adding, “and a lot of that information is in the guide.”
In addition to providing advice and guidance on moving household goods, the guide also includes advice on a whole range of topics, including banking, immigration, and even which types of people are the most likely to enjoy living in Mexico.
Bolotin explained that any legitimate moving company will import their clients’ used household goods through the “menje de casa,” which he explained is the way in which the Mexican government allows people to move their used household goods into Mexico one time, tax free.
“None of using the menaje de casa is difficult,” said Bolotin, “but there are lots of rules and different interpretations for different situations where if you make a mistake, the consequences can be pretty severe, so a proper understanding is key.”
Bolotin pointed to the Best Mexico Movers website for other useful information about moving to Mexico, including common myths and answers to frequently asked questions, and he provided a link to readers of this paper to download the free move to Mexico guide.

By Chuck Bolotin for The Yucatan Times