It is difficult to be surprised anymore when Mexico’s president speaks for more than two hours every day but doesn’t say anything. Except when he breaks protocol, and new meanings become a constant. New symbols emerge in a speech like the one given yesterday afternoon celebrating the two years of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government.
The anti-militarist left… that became very “militarist.”
The first of four interruptions with applause from the 70 people attending the ceremony was for the Armed Forces. The second was for the Secretaries of the Navy and National Defense. That is, half of the applause went to the Armed Forces, the pillar of a government that promised to demilitarize the country.
In the long list of supposed government achievements listed by AMLO, here are a few of the ones bragged about.
-504 morning press conferences were held.
-A record of remittances sent by the countrymen in the United States that reached 40 billion dollars.
-The parades of September 16 and November 20 were held.
-There have been no blackouts or lack of water.
-Evo Morales was offered asylum.
-The presidential plane was raffled off (which was not raffled off nor sold)
-Doctors, teachers, and soldiers have not been left unpaid.
-The “healthy living” assignment was introduced in the primary school learning system.
The government of one man.
At the beginning and end of the ceremony, the assistant gave “honors to the president.” NOT TO THE FLAG, but the president.
Invisible savings.
López Obrador stated that in two years, thanks to the fight against Corruption, his government has saved 1,300 billion pesos! He did not say where that money is or what it was used for. With such spectacular savings, the federal agencies would not have to pinch the bureaucrats’ Christmas bonuses or canceling trusts, nor would it have to continue with the shortage of drugs and vaccines.
Blatant lies.
-“Our government faced the pandemic with courage and effectiveness. We have saved thousands of lives. As of yesterday, December 1, 2020, there are 1.12 million cases and 107 thousand deaths.
-“Gender equality is encouraged.”
For the past two years, feminist groups have manifested against AMLO’s policies. He has never met with them. Feminicide increased in 2020. Instead of doing something about it, AMLO blames neoliberalism.
-“There are no more massacres.
We can start with the massacre of the Lebaron family. But the number of massacre victims in Mexico has also increased: between January and September of this year, 4,484 victims of atrocities were registered, an average of 16 victims of extreme violence every day.
“Corruption is not tolerated.
There are no less than 50 documented cases of Corruption in the López Obrador government.
-“In my government there is no impunity for anyone.
Multiple cases have been documented. Among these, multiple properties belong to CFE’s director Bartlett, he was acquitted, and the videos of the president’s brother receiving ” support ” money for his campaign. His brother also has been exonerated.
-“Human rights have not been violated.
Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries to practice the profession of journalism. The organization Reporters Without Borders ranks the country 144th out of 180 countries.
Loads of data and facts refute the president. But in the end, like Alice, he is living his own alternate reality.