Mérida, Yucatán, December 22, 2020.- As part of the actions of the administration headed by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, to support those affected by the heavy rains and recent hurricanes, the Ministry of Tourism Development (Sefotur ) made a call to local chambers and associations to gather food and non-perishable supplies, and deliver them to families in the eastern part of the state.
The collection, which took place in November, was attended by staff from the agency, the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac), the Collective of Gastronomic and Tourist Professionals of Yucatán (Cogatuy), the Ibis Hotel and Meft Business, as well as citizens, through social networks.
While this collection was being carried out, the head of the Sefotur, Michelle Fridman, managed that the McCormick and Barilla brands join this cause, and the support of the Volaris airline, which for free, transported the donations of these firms, from Mexico City to the Mérida International Airport “Manuel Crescencio Rejón”.
With the help of all of them, a total of 4.7 tons of food and personal hygiene products were collected, which were divided into 451 pantries and delivered the Secretariat equipment to families from Las Coloradas, in the municipality of Río Lagartos, one of the areas most affected after the passage of meteorological phenomena.
It is an area whose population concentrates high levels of marginalization and presented a decrease in the flow of visitors, not only due to natural disasters but also as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has hit the economy of the state of Yucatan significantly and in many ways.
Also, we had the support of the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF), for the logistics and distribution of goods; the ADO Foundation, which arranged a bus to transport them, and the Public Trust for the Development of Meetings Tourism (Fideture), which donated clothes and provided the facilities of the International Congress Center for collection.
It should be noted that these wellness activities are focused on providing support to some of the most vulnerable communities in the territory, through awareness-raising strategies, and make it possible to guarantee that everything collected reaches the people who inhabit them.
Pasta, toilet paper, rice, beans, sugar, canned tuna, sweet and salty cookies, oil, lentils, oats, mayonnaise, flour, and clothing were some of the products that were distributed for this initiative, which also seeks to promote Society and state authorities to get involved in joint actions that help the development and social welfare of the Yucatecan citizens.
Sefotur and the tourism sector bring help to Las Coloradas