The Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Márques attended a working table with municipal presidents, businessmen, and representatives of chambers or associations.
The 2019-2021 private tourism investment of 19.3 billion pesos, allowed to generate 4,984 direct jobs and 12,458 indirect ones.
Mérida, Yucatán, December 12, 2020.- The Covid-19 pandemic and the impacts that it generated, in health and economic matters, led the administration led by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal to implement an intense tourism recovery plan , through the Tourism Development Secretariat (Sefotur), which is beginning to produce results recognized by the federal government.
The head of the National Tourism Secretariat (Sectur), Miguel Torruco Márques, made a working tour of the entity and had the state secretary for the sector, Michelle Fridman Hirsch, as hostess. Within this framework, he acknowledged the efforts that the local Executive has made in the matter, to reactivate the local economy and create a safe destination for visitors.
“As I have said on numerous occasions, the tourist potential of a nation should not be measured by the number of tourists received, but by the foreign exchange received, taking into consideration that, in 2019, Mexico ranked 17th in attracting foreign exchange and 37 in per capita spending ”, stated the official.
The Yucatan Tourism Recovery Plan has been developed in four stages: the first was to put tourism infrastructure and resources at the service of health; then, preserve the offer and rebuild the destinations; third, the gradual reactivation, balancing the care of the people and the reopening of activities, and finally, the economic recovery of the sector.
In order for this strategy to advance successfully, the support and joint collaboration of authorities, businesses and chambers were necessary, with actions such as providing support, credits and training, so that no more jobs are lost. In addition, it was necessary to transform operational management, both to reactivate the sector and to give certainty to visitors.
Thus, the “Certificate of good sanitary practices for tourism companies” was presented, endorsed by the World Travel and Tourism Council. To date, it has been awarded to more than a thousand firms, such as airlines, hotels, restaurants, the Mérida International Airport, communities, and exhibition centers, among others. This was complemented by flexible reservation change or cancellation policies, as well as innovation and digitization to maintain a healthy distance.
“The joint work between the Government and the private initiative mitigates the impact of an unprecedented pandemic and allows the tourism sector to adapt and be better in the face of a new reality. In the end, this joint effort gives the Yucatecan society tools to be competitive in the face of the challenges that will come, ”said the official.
The pandemic accelerated changes and forced them to undertake new schemes in this industry. One of the most notable was ending eight years without Yucatan having Magical Town appointments. Recently, the state doubled its offer of sites with this distinctive, as Sisal and Maní received it, which will give national and international projection to the territory.
In this regard, she emphasized that “it will improve the way of life of the Yucatecans, through the participation of the new Magic Towns in the Tourist Tianguis, greater promotion of the towns, more jobs and a greater commitment of all those involved, to protect their heritage.
As part of the secretary’s tour and follow-up on actions in the face of the pandemic, the presentation “Yucatán against Covid-19” was made with representatives of chambers and organizations of the sector, such as the presidents of the Tourism Business Council, Jorge Carrillo, and the Association of Tourism Promotion Agencies, Luis Herrera, as well as mayors and officials, of Valladolid, Maní, Tekax, Hunucmá, Mérida, and Progreso.
After this meeting, chaired by Torruco Márques and Fridman Hirsch, the official ceremony for the appointment of Magical Towns to the mayors of Maní, Arón de Jesús Interián Bojórquez, and Hunucmá, where Sisal, José Alberto Padrón Romero is located. , with the presence of the state agent.
Also, in the state capital, “Casa Manzanero” was inaugurated, in homage to the singer-songwriter Armando Manzanero Canché.
Tourism numbers and its recovery
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism figures were record high.
From January to December 2019, arrivals of 3.2 million passengers were registered, by air and by sea, while the economic spill increased 17.1 percent, to 8.2 billion pesos. Of the 32 states in the country, Yucatán was the third with the highest growth in tourist arrivals with an overnight stay, with a rate of 15.37%
The pandemic impacted the economy and tourism was one of the most damaged sectors; However, the recovery is underway: from March 24 to October 27, 2020, arrival flights registered an average occupancy of 45.9 percent, which means a recovery of 33.4 points in this indicator, registered during the last seven months of this year.
Likewise, on September 23 and 24, the 2020 Digital Tourism Tianguis was held, the first event of its kind, which brought together 1,964 national and international buyers, and the “Certificate of good sanitary practices” has 1,200 companies in the field registered. , with benefits for 50 municipalities and 3,487 people.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that private tourism investment in the territory, between 2019 and 2021, is 19,300 million pesos, which allows the generation of 4,984 direct jobs and 12,458 indirect jobs.
Press release issued by SEFOTUR on December 12th, 2020