2021 marks the Year of the Ox in Chinese astrology and begins on February 12, the first day of Chinese New Year. As the second animal in the Chinese Zodiac, the ox is known for its strength, determination, diligence, and dependability.
To learn what the Year of the Ox will bring to us in health, career and relationships, we spoke with Jupiter Lai, a Hong Kong-based professional astrologer, tarot-card reader and feng shui master who co-founded The Academy of Astrology, an astrology training centre that is recognised by The Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI).
What is the Ox known for in Chinese astrology?

Oxes are known for being “hardworking, practical, gentle, loyal and grounded,” says Jupiter Lai. However, she adds that sometimes the ox could be a bit introverted, or even quite stubborn.
“The Ox energy is quite slow, and sometimes even stagnant. Plans may go slowly and don’t be hasty to get the desired result. Patience is the keyword for this year.”
The Ox’s Most & Least Compatible Zodiacs