MÉRIDA, Yucatán (Times Media Mexico) .- “With co-responsible actions in favor of the municipality’s sustainability, we contribute to continually improving our environment, so that we can offer all Merida families the quality of life we all deserve, in harmony with the environment,” said Mayor Renán Barrera Concha.
The mayor mentioned that, thanks to this joint work between society and government, around 85 thousand trees have been planted in Mérida, out of a total of 100 thousand proposed as a goal by the current municipal administration.
“This means that so far we have reached more than 80% of our forestry goal in the three years of this administration,” the mayor said.
Within this framework, the City Hall, through the Sustainable Development Unit, carried out this morning in the San Matías Cosgaya community, the “Adopt a tree” program, in which 600 specimens of different species, such as ramón, balché, and fruit trees, were delivered.
From early in the morning and keeping a healthy distance, dozens of residents of this community gathered at the police station facilities where the activity took place.