SSY supports the request of doctors to conclude vaccination of Health personnel

Yucatan State Health Secretary Mauricio Sauri Vivas

Mérida, Yucatán, (February 27, 2021).- The head of the Yucatán Ministry of Health, Mauricio Sauri Vivas, reiterates his support for all health workers in the state in their request to the federal government to be considered in the vaccination campaign against Covid-19. 

“Health workers have taken care of us for so long, the time has come for them to be heard,” said Sauri Vivas.

Yucatan State Health Secretary Mauricio Sauri Vivas recalls that he and Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal have made this same request on various occasions, mainly in the meetings they have held with the federal health authorities.

Specifically, the head of the SSY points out that Governor Vila Dosal, as president of the Executive Health Commission of the National Conference of Governors (Conago), has insisted in the work meetings with the federal health authorities that they conclude with the vaccination process of all medical personnel.

“For the Government of Yucatán, it is a priority for all health personnel to be vaccinated against the Coronavirus; they are on the front line of the everyday battle, and we must give them all the necessary tools to carry out their work in the best possible conditions.”

“The request of the Yucatecan doctors to be vaccinated is fully justified, and the Government of the State of Yucatan fully supports it,” Yucatan State Health Secretary Mauricio Sauri Vivas concluded.

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