Holy Week is one of the most important religious celebrations in Mexico
Mérida, Yucatán, (March 26, 2021).- After the beginning of the traditional Lent, The Yucatan Times reveals the meaning of this period of the liturgical calendar that marks the Catholic Church and what its characteristics are.
What does Lent mean?
For the Catholic religion, it is a time of 40 days of internal purification, which begins each year on Ash Wednesday and concludes with Palm Sunday (Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem). This 2021 started on Wednesday, February 17th, and will end next Sunday, April 3rd.
It is important to note that the word Lent (Cuaresma) comes from the Latin word “quadragésima” which means 40 days before Easter, a religious period characterized by fasting and abstinence from meat.
Its meaning is also related to the 40 days that Jesus Christ spent in the Judean desert, located north of Jerusalem in Israel, in addition to a flood that lasted 40 days, among other biblical events that make reference to the number 40.
In addition, according to beliefs, you can not eat red meat during the holiday, so they tend to lean towards other dishes such as fish, shellfish, poultry, tuna, vegetables, among others. During the Friday of Lent, the religious avoid eating meat, since it is a way of remembering the crucifixion of Jesus.
According to the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service, some species that can be prepared during this period of Lent are:
Carp: Its meat is white and soft, similar to the mojarra. The villagers often fry it, bake it or wallpaper it. It weighs approximately 400 grams and can be found throughout the year. In addition, this type of species currently exists in hatcheries that preserve its development and distribution.
Sierra: This species is pinkish in color and not very fatty, it can be consumed fried, in broth, or prepare the traditional whiting. It is found mainly during the months of March to May and from October to December.
Horse mackerel: Its meat is very similar to that of tuna, with this fish the dish known as “Minilla Veracruzana” is prepared. To preserve its nutrients, it is recommended to consume it baked or in ceviche. The season of this species is during the months of March to May.
The renowned Holy Week is part of Lent and is a time when various people carry out worship activities. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday.
For the Catholic population, Holy Week commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ, therefore, some people participate in activities related to the subject and there is a suspension of classes.
Some companies even grant at least two days, which are considered days of worship, that is, they are established as non-working days, such as the case of next Thursday 1 and Friday 2 of April.
Students of basic education (preschool, primary and secondary) also take vacations during this period, which will begin from Monday, March 29, and until next Friday, April 9.
Also, some states will open their beaches during Easter and some others will remain closed to avoid a greater number of coronavirus infections in the country.