Mérida, Yucatán, (March 31, 2021).- Mayor Renan Barrera leads the fourth session of the Advisory Council for the Protection of Fauna of the Municipality of Mérida, “through a series of actions to promote the welfare and protection of animals, the City Council favors harmonious coexistence among all the inhabitants of the municipality”, said the mayor.
He stressed that since the beginning of his administration, he has committed to strengthening the protection of animals, with measures that contribute to improving their living conditions and facilitating their well-being in the domestic and wild environment.
He emphasized that coordinated work and citizen participation on the issue of animal protection, speak of a society that contributes its best to favor a healthy and harmonious coexistence.
He specified that emphasis has been placed on the continuous improvement of regulations for the protection of fauna in the municipality and on reinforcing programs such as rabies vaccination and sterilization.
In this context, he said that within the objectives of collaboration, there has been an approach with Civil Associations, animal groups, and other social sectors to listen to suggestions and proposals for joint work, in order to improve the services offered by the City Council in this matter.
Barrera Concha also mentioned that as part of this strategy, actions were carried out to improve the facilities of the Canine and Feline Control Center (CEMCA).
“In this way, through the Sustainable Development Unit, we launched an initiative to improve the CEMCA facilities, which included the maintenance of cages, external and internal painting of the property, and the elaboration of artistic murals in the shelter area, with the purpose of promoting animal welfare and improving their environment”, he explained.
The Municipal President said that the center currently houses 44 dogs; some are under medical treatment, others are in the administrative process, as they arrive through the Animal Protection Unit, UPA or through the Ministry of Public Security, SSP, while others are waiting to be adopted.
He reported that according to the data obtained in the veterinary module, during last year and as of February 28 of this year, a total of 1,493 consultations were offered in which 6,368 rabies vaccines were applied and 800 sterilizations were carried out.
—Only in the course of this 2021 we have reached a record number of 600 sterilizations in the first quarter of the year —the Councilor emphasized.
In total during that time 84 colonies and subdivisions were visited and 47 municipalities were visited, he added.
—From January to October 2020, we received 1,774 reports and we were able to rescue 1,389 animals. In this same period, 255 dogs and 60 cats have also been given up for adoption”, he explained.
Renán Barrera mentioned that in addition to the above there is a new procedure for “Responsible Adoption”, which he said was carried out under the advice of the Municipal Council of Fauna, veterinarians and civil associations.
During the fourth session of the Advisory Council for the Protection of Fauna of the Municipality of Mérida, headed by the Mayor, the director of the Sustainable Development Unit, Eugenia Correa Arce, presented to the members a summary of activities and actions in favor of animal welfare .

He explained that the animals that arrive at the CEMCA receive medical evaluation and deworming in the first 24 hours of admission and application of the rabies vaccine in the first 72 hours.
“In this last point it is important to emphasize that it also depends on the state in which the animal arrives, since not all are candidates if they enter in very poor health”, he said.
He said that as part of the collaborative work with animal protection associations, staff from 8 City Council departments, related to animal care and welfare, participated in courses on responsible animal ownership, as well as citizen complaints that are made to rescue companion animals that are being mistreated and live in a vulnerable situation.
“They also received talks and workshops to raise awareness on animal protection, internal and external socialization, maintenance of facilities, implementation of new internal processes, a recently created website, as well as the whole adoption process at CEMCA”, he explained.
He anticipated that work is being done in order to modify the Regulations for the Protection of Fauna of the Municipality of Mérida, which they would soon send to the Cabildo for approval.
He also commented that the Animal Protection Unit of the City Council has two vehicles and two teams of specialized animal control police. He indicated that in cases of complaint of animal abuse, whether in writing, by telephone, or by direct contact with the City Council, the UPA verifies and visits the site if necessary.
“If an administrative offense is found, qualifying judges are appointed, who would open a case and initiate an administrative process to sanction if necessary,” he pointed out.
For more information you can consult the website: https://www.merida.gob.mx/faunamerida/denuncia.phpx