Mérida, Yucatán, (April 13, 2021).- At the start of the campaigns for the largest election in the history of the country, the president of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, denounced that the referee is under siege, through a campaign of intimidation.
During the approval of candidates for federal representatives by the relative majority and proportional representation, he pointed out that by applying the law, there is a disqualification campaign against the institute.
“It is not the first time that the referee has been disqualified. It is a strategy that has unfortunately been assumed at different times by various political actors and various reasons over the last few years. But I have to say that they didn’t make it before and they won’t make it in the future, ”he said.
He assured that the body is not against any party or coalition, but against those who violate electoral laws, so he warned that they will rigorously apply what the Constitution establishes.
He added that during the campaigns from April 4 to June 2, 2021, the INE will continue as a vigilant referee who “without fanfare or prominence,” will draw the necessary cards so that the rules are respected.
Faced with a confrontational scenario, at the INE, he said that they have the trust of the citizens, because that body is the most reliable civil institution in the Mexican State.
Before the start of the campaigns, Córdova called on the parties, coalitions and candidates to respect the sanitary measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19, as well as the electoral rules, so that citizens can exercise their vote freely.
The INE registered 3 thousand 471 candidate formulas from the 10 national political parties, which will be divided into the following coalitions: Vamos por México (Let’s go for Mexico) PRI, PAN, and PRD coalition; Juntos haremos historia (Together We Make History) Morena, PT, and PVEM coalition. The Movimiento Ciudadano will compete alone.
Other political parties such as Fuerza Social por México (Social Force for Mexico), Encuentro Solidario Solidarity Encounter, and Redes Sociales Progresistas (Progressive Social Networks) will compete also alone.
One of the innovations of this election, in addition to gender parity, is the affirmative actions for various social groups, in which each of the political forces postulated 30 parity formulas of people who self-ascribe as indigenous; 8 formulas for people with disabilities; 4 from Afro-Mexicans and 3 from the LGBTQ + community, as well as 5 from migrants residing abroad ”.
Additionally, the INE authorized the broadcast of 427 government outreach campaigns during the proselytizing stage to elect 500 federal deputies, 15 governorships, and 30 local congresses.
The propaganda that will be allowed has to do with health, education, and civil protection; the majority correspond to states and municipalities, as only 27 correspond to the federal government.
Most of the government campaigns that will be broadcast during the elections have to do with the Covid-19 epidemic and range from vaccination processes, announcements about health measures and prevention.
Between April 4 and June 2, 2021, more than 19 million spots will be broadcast and each of the candidates has a campaign spending cap of 1.6 million pesos.

Within the framework of the beginning of the electoral campaigns, both federal and local, the Ministry of Welfare called on the population to exercise citizen complaints against any misuse of social programs.
In a statement, it reiterated that in order to strengthen zero tolerance for the electoral use of social programs and promote citizen complaints, it launched its Electoral Shield 2021 program that, among other actions, monitors that until the conclusion of the electoral day the election is suspended. Government propaganda, with the exception of information referring to educational and health services or those necessary for civil protection in cases of emergency.
Also, the delivery of scheduled support within the week corresponding to the close of campaigns and the electoral day is prohibited; the realization of registrations, cancellations, and changes in the registers of beneficiaries; the delivery or inauguration of works in this period, and the celebration of massive acts with beneficiaries of social programs.
He recalled that the Constitution establishes that the electoral use of social programs is a serious crime.
Meanwhile, the parliamentary coordinator of Morena in the Chamber of Representatives, Ignacio Mier Velazco, called for defending democracy, ensuring that there is no fraud and that no one tries to “put a black hand” to define the candidacies or manipulate the decision to choose freely.
The federal representative called on all authorities and governments, but also the bodies in charge of guaranteeing the electoral process, to be impartial and respect the Constitution.
He added that all politicians, authorities and governments are obliged to contribute so that there are free elections.
The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) approved criteria for the dissemination of the morning conferences of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and any public official of all orders.
During electoral campaigns and until the day of Election Day, governments of any level and their officials are prohibited from spreading government propaganda by any means or modality of social communication.
Except in the case of constitutional exceptions for government propaganda such as education and health services, or those necessary for civil protection in emergencies, among others, they may be disseminated.
Source: 24horas.mx