Izamal, Yucatan, (April 06, 2021).- One year after the health emergency caused by COVID-19, artisans from Kimbilá community left the confinement behind and came out to offer their garments in the dome of the court in Izamal.
21 offerers participated in the 2021 Embroidery Fair, exhibiting and selling their embroidered garments to visitors who come to town.

Lourdes May, who has been in this activity for more than 40 years, explained that she had never seen a situation of this nature that paralyzed the economy of so many families in the community.
“Many artisans had to look for other alternatives such as selling food or making masks to get past this crisis, but one year after this terrible situation started, we decided to organize this event again,” she commented.

The hours will be from 10 in the morning to 7 at night on Saturdays, April 3 and 10 and Sundays 4 and 11.
The artisans placed a sanitizing tunnel where customers will pass, antibacterial gel will also be applied and their temperature will be checked.
Source: Reporteros Hoy