Mèxico, City, April 23, 2021, (MILENIO).- With 260 votes in favor, 167 against, and two abstentions, the Chamber of Representatives approved this morning, in general, the secondary laws of the reform of the Judicial Power, among which the transitory article stands out to extend for two years, until 2024, the management of Arturo Zaldívar as president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).
After five hours of discussion, the plenary chamber ratified the project sent by the Senate, despite warnings about the unconstitutionality of extending the mandate of the minister-president.
Legislators from various fractions presented 553 reservations for discussion in particular. In addition to the opposition bloc (PAN, PRI, MC and PRD), the PES representatives and seven Morenistas (Sergio Mayer, Gabriela Cuevas, Martha Patricia Ramírez, Lidia García, Citlally Pérez, Jorge Mendoza and Mildred Ávila) voted against.
Porfirio Muñoz Ledo and Lorena Villavicencio did not register their vote, despite the fact that in the discussion of the opinion they expressed their rejection of a “disguised re-election” of the President of the Supreme Court, while Pablo Gómez voted in favor, even though at the time he assured that the extension of the mandate would not transit.
When setting the position of the PAN bench, Congressman Juan Carlos Romero Hicks warned that approving the reform would mean an attempt against the division of Powers and institutional counterweights, would generate a constitutional crisis, and would be the principle of autocracy, that is, the government of a single man.
“Today I make a restrained call to the prudential criteria of Minister Zaldívar because it is time to define himself: either he is with Mexico and with the Constitution or he is with the President; It has to be separated, for personal dignity, ethical dignity, legal dignity, and institutional dignity. Is the President of the Republic going to kneel or is it going to privilege the height of vision that all of us have as an aspiration? ”, he harangued.
For Morena, the representative Alfredo Aispuro stressed that the new Organic Law of the Judicial Power of the Federation proposes mechanisms focused on combating nepotism in the processes of appointment of judges, judges, magistrates and magistrates.
“The new regulatory framework will prevent and eradicate corruption within the Judicial Branch, establish exhaustive evaluations for the entry, permanence and separation of the judicial career, ensuring the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the administration of justice,” he said.
The new Organic Laws of the Judicial Power of the Federation and of the Judicial Career of the Judicial Power of the Federation, as well as the reforms and additions to five other ordinances, seek to reduce corruption, nepotism and discretion among judges.
For this, it provides for the incorporation of transparent mechanisms and procedures in the processes of designation of the personnel assigned to the Judicial Power of the Federation, in addition to consolidating the general unit of investigation of administrative responsibilities in that sector.
The reforms also outline the judicial career as a pillar of jurisdictional activity and establish a regulatory framework for action in the face of political administrative offenses to combat nepotism and corruption.
The creation of specialized bodies in criminal jurisdictional proceedings, consolidating the regional plenary sessions, separating the aspects related to the judicial career and giving way to the issuance of a specialized law on the matter is also considered.
? El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó, en lo general, por 260 votos a favor, 167 en contra y 2 abstenciones, el dictamen que expide las leyes Orgánica del Poder Judicial de la Federación, y de Carrera Judicial del Poder Judicial de la Federación. https://t.co/OWUyDojpFQ
— Cámara de Diputados (@Mx_Diputados) April 23, 2021
The Plenary of the Chamber of Representatives approved, in general, by 260 votes in favor, 167 against and 2 abstentions, the opinion that issues the Organic laws of the Judicial Power of the Federation, and of the Judicial Career of the Judicial Power of the Federation.