184,500 people aged 60 and over have already been inoculated in the state of Yucatan.
Mérida, Yucatán, (April 16, 2021).- Along with the assisted homes and asylums for the elderly, the vaccination day will begin this April 19 in the four Social Reintegration Centers (Cereso) of Yucatan, where 47 older adults will be immunized.
According to state authorities, as of Wednesday, April 14, 184,500 of the 216,000 people aged 60 and over registered in the state had been vaccinated.
During the supervision of the campaign in Mérida led by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal in the vicinity of the Universidad Modelo, it was reported that 8,464 doses were applied on Wednesday, April 14th, in the different vaccination centers installed in the state capital.
1,310 were administered at the Siglo XXI Convention Center; 766 in the Conalep; 430 at the Higher School of Art of Yucatán (ESAY); 340 in the Chenkú Cobay; 340 in the Polyfunctional; 530 at the Universidad Modelo; 489 in Technique School # 75; and 390 in Technique School #66.
Similarly, 385 were applied in Federal School #5; 420 in the Tecnológico de Mérida; 538 in the House of the Elderly; 462 in the Canaco-Servytur; 470 in Villa Palmira; 454 in Cbtis #95; 450 in the 11th Infantry Battalion; 420 on the Inalambrica Sports Complex; and 470 in the Tecoh multifunctional.
Vila Dosal also pointed out that 2,137 CanSino vaccines -a single dose- were administered yesterday in the municipalities of Chumayel, Huhí, Sacalum, Sanahcat, Dzudzal, Tekal de Venegas and Tixméhuac. These will no longer require a second dose.
As part of yesterday’s session, 2,193 older adults were also inoculated with Sinovac in the municipalities of Dzilam de Bravo, Ixil, Samahil, Tekantación, Telchac Pueblo; and with Pfizer at 1,998 in Halachó, Tecoh, Sotuta, Muna, Teabo, Yaxcabá, and Dzitás.
2,682 second doses of Pfizer were applied in Progreso, Temozón and Tixkokob.

The governor explained that Yucatan has vaccinated 184,500 older adults, having a census of 216,000 and in the coming days they hope to continue with this good rhythm, so he invites people to respect their appointments and the corresponding vaccination centers.
Packers would return after second dose
At an express question, Vila Dosal reported that older adults who work as packers in various supermarkets will still not be able to return to their duties. Not until the second dose of the biological is applied.
He recalled that in the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine that is applied in Mérida, the first dose provides 70 percent protection against Covid-19, which begins its validity 14 days after being received. With the second, he said, it rises to 89 percent, after the same period.
Regarding the complaints of health personnel working in the private sector, the governor clarified that the vaccination strategy is the responsibility of the Federation, however, through the National Conference of Governors (Conago) – where he presides over the Health Commission – has reiterated that the vaccine should be applied to all personnel, regardless of whether they are public or private.
Source: La Jornada Maya