Despite the 10 continuous weeks of decline, specialists already foresee a worse scenario than the one that occurred in December due to Easter vacationers and the new variants of COVID-19.
México, City, (April 07, 2021).- The Federal Ministry of Health reported this Monday, April 5, 1,247 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, giving a cumulative of 2,251,705 infections in México. Likewise, after 252 new deaths were reported compared to those reported yesterday, the total number of deaths rose to 204,399.
The downward trend continues in Mexico because during the usual press conference to report on the advance of the coronavirus in the country, the director-general of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, explained that at the beginning of epidemiological week number 12, the curve of estimated cases showed a 24% decrease, accumulating 10 continuous weeks of decline.
Similarly, he estimated that the national epidemic is made up of 22,914 active cases that began to present signs and symptoms of this disease in the last 14 days.
However, specialists already foresee a worse scenario than the one that occurred in December due to Easter vacationers and the new variants of COVID-19 that travelers may have brought with them. “These variants, together with the fact that people traveled on the Easter holidays, make up the perfect mix so that Mexico can have a third wave,” said doctor in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Oxford, Roselyn Lemus-Martin.
However, according to the technical document, Mexico City is still the state with the highest number of active cases (more than 3,000 cases), followed by the State of Mexico (more than 1,000), so that both account for 50% of active cases in the country. In contrast, Campeche, Chiapas, Nayarit, and Colima are the states with the lowest number of active cases, with 82, 70, 60, and 52, respectively.
The foregoing is still reflected in the colors of the epidemiological traffic light that has been in force since last Monday and will be until April 11, where for the third time in a row, no state is in ” red ” (maximum risk of contagion). In color ” green ” (low risk) there are seven entities: Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Jalisco, Nayarit, Chiapas and Campeche. In “ yellow ” (moderate risk) 18 entities: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Colima, Aguascalientes, Michoacán, Guerrero, Nuevo León, Tlaxcala, Quintana Roo and Guanajuato; Sonora, Oaxaca, Morelos and Tabasco are added. While in ” orange ” (high risk) there are seven: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Puebla, Querétaro, Yucatán, Hidalgo and Chihuahua.
COVID-19 Hospitalizations
Regarding hospital occupancy, it is reported at 18%.
Specifically, in general beds (without artificial respiration support), there is an occupancy of 17%, which means that of the 31,089 beds in total, 25,765 are available and 5,324 are occupied.
By state, Alomía referred that only the state of Puebla has an occupation greater than 30%, the other 31 states are below that range.
Regarding beds with a ventilator for the most seriously ill patients, the occupancy is 22%, which means that of the 10,595 beds in total , 8,288 are available and 2,307 are occupied.
These are the five states that maintain an occupation of between 30% and 49%: Mexico City, Chihuahua, Yucatán, Querétaro, and Tabasco. All other states are below 30%.
Vaccination against COVID-19
Regarding the progress of vaccination in Mexico, Hugo López-Gatell, undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, specified that 213,267 doses were applied this Monday, April 5.
Regarding the total number of injections applied, this amounted to 9,287,405; however, only 1,174,175 people have applied the full vaccination schedule.
Regarding health personnel, so far 680,374 people have received the complete vaccination schedule and 195,468 have received at least one dose.
6,852,585 older adults have been vaccinated with at least one dose while only 476,175 are already fully protected.
Finally, of the educational personnel in Campeche , 17,626 already have the two-dose, while 5,308 are still waiting for the second shot.
Source: Infobae