The government already lays the groundwork for tendering the work and construction of the terminal
The federal government lays the groundwork for awarding the contract for the construction and operation of a new airport in Mérida, which would replace the “Manuel Crescencio Rejón” terminal.
The bases could be ready this year and the works would begin immediately. The cost would amount to 10,000 million pesos, which would come entirely from the private sector, indicates José Antonio Loret de Mola Gómory, identified as one of the main promoters of this initiative.

The businessman reported that he owns land in one of the areas where the new terminal could be built, in the municipality of Umán, thirteen kilometers from the Periférico, on the Campeche-Mérida federal highway.
“We envision that in this same year the APP can be implemented and work on the new airport can begin, if everything goes as planned in the legal times,” he said.
“The liberation of more than 600 hectares of the “Manuel Crescencio Rejón” would serve to build an urban sub-center where subdivisions such as those of Ciudad Caucel or Altabrisa would fit. The capital gains of nearby properties would rise”, businessmen said.
The question at this point is: Does Merida need more subdivisions of that type?
With information from: