“Someday we’ll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me”
Kermit the Frog
Glimpses of rainbow feathers shine through the marsh grasses.

One Purple Gallinule feeds then another appears to dine on seeds some distance away. They walk toward each other and disappear into the vegetation. Perhaps they are a pair?

Some reports indicate paired birds separate while roaming in their well-defended territory to feed and also to court. Aha, they are a pair! A territory can be as large as 200 X 30 feet (61 x 9 meters). The pair stay in contact by calling as in this recording:
Suddenly a gallinule emerges into an opening. It bows its head and neck into a deep arc as if to emphasize a rainbow.

I realize she is presenting herself to her mate. I don’t know how much time passes before her mate slowly approaches out of the vegetation. Eventually the male balances on her back and wings. Later she appears to bow so low that her head is almost between her legs. Scientists have named this posture, the squat arch. Not to be confused with “sass squats” although the female does appear rather sassy in her squat.

Mating seemsto occur; it’s a Rainbow Connection! They separate and go different directions as they continue to feed.
How easy to assume that was all of the courting process. I missed some initial parts of this ritual. And what I saw didn’t necessarily agree with what scientists have recorded such as the male holding on to her neck, her standing, etc. However, I admit I found little details about this species courtship. Recorded observations seemed as rare as Sasquatch sightings.
Once close to each other, they may begin their courtship displays. They may face each other. With neck forward and wings out at 90 degree angles, they both sway and lift one foot then the other. Often only the female does this and then the male walks onto the back of the female.
Other times both birds make a deep bow instead of swaying. Or sometimes after the wings are held at 90 degrees, one or both birds will prance and cross over the other’s path.
Additional courting activities include nibbling and billing along with the bowing, swaying, and by now, the famous squat arch.
I’ve never encountered courtship behavior of Purple Gallinules even though I’ve seen them for several years. In my opinion these images aren’t good due to bad light conditions of sun/shade and people shaking the boardwalk where I stood to photograph. To me it’s more important to share this sequence for documentation and to forego image quality. I was ecstatic to witness this phenomenon.
By the way, this gallinule species is slightly taller than a gallon jug of water. Hopefully it’s a “gallon you’ll” never forget! Plus this experience reinforces my belief of expecting something wonderful to happen in nature.
DISCLAIMER: References do not agree on details about this species:
Eric DeFonso, XC131146. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/131146
Joseph I. S. Whitaker On the Breeding of the purple Gallinule in Captivity. October 1899 IBIS International Journal of Avian Science
502- 505
Sal a Pajarear, Birds & Reserves of the Yucatan Peninsula, A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and North Central America, The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior, Life Histories of North American Marsh Birds
by Cherie Pitillo
1 comment
Thank you Cherie for sharing your personal experience with what I would consider excellent photos. Can’t wait to read and see more!
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