Mérida, Yucatàn, (May 14, 2021).- The former president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa visits Mérida, as revealed by the PAN candidate for the IV Federal District, Cecilia Patrón Laviada on her social networks.
The candidate of the PAN political party disseminated through digital platforms photographs of Calderón Hinojosa walking with her in Aleman Park, located east of the Yucatecan capital. The ex-president took time to eat a marquesita there.
Bienvenido @FelipeCalderon a #Mérida, la mejor ciudad para vivir. No podía visitarnos sin probar nuestras deliciosas marquesitas. ?? pic.twitter.com/Nlz0u17VK2
— Cecilia Patrón Laviada (@CeciliaPatronL) May 14, 2021
“Welcome @FelipeCalderon to # Mérida, the best city to live. He could not visit us without trying our delicious marquesitas, ”
Likewise, Calderón attended a campaign event held in Mérida led by Patron Laviada and Karla Salazar, PAN standard-bearer for the V Local District.

I appreciate the invitation they made me to the #ForoDemocrático with Felipe Calderón Hinojosa and Karla Salazar to talk about the construction of a free country from the local Chamber of Representatives. Let’s go for #MásMérida for everyone. Cecilia Patròn wrote on her social networks.
Source: Yucatàn a la mano