Mèrida, Yuc., May 04, 2021, (REFORMA).- For many, the pandemic represents the great challenge of organizing and executing all activities at home while making the best effort to maintain the physical, emotional, and nutritional health of their sons and daughters.
From one day to the next, the children’s routine changed drastically and their physical activity was affected too. Now there is no active recess or physical education classes and the number of hours in front of the screens has increased.
So today, with information from the nutritionist Stephanie Reuben, The Yucatan Times leaves you here a guide on how to include healthy snacks in the daily diet of children, especially in these times when their schedules and routine have changed.
All of the above can generate emotions that make food look like relief and pampering. To avoid it:
- Talk with them about how they feel in confinement, allow them to have an open communication channel to vent their emotions and empathize with them.
- Maintain a sleep routine: they should always sleep and wake up at the same time.
- Find exercises to do with them at home –at least 30 minutes a day–, so they will feel accompanied and motivated.

- Set a schedule, as they would if they were at school.
- Make sure your pantry is full of healthy food items.
- Avoid buying sugary drinks, such as sodas and juices. These are not nourishing and, having them on hand, will be difficult to limit.
- Don’t let them eat in front of a screen. When that happens, we are not aware of being satisfied and we continue eating. It is better to sit at the table and have lunch or dinner with the family.
- Let them decide their portion.
- Don’t use food as a reward or punishment.
- Try to get everyone in the house to eat the same thing, at the same time.
- Plan weekly menus in writing. The organization is key; take advantage of the weekend to prepare and remember to vary to incorporate nutrients from all foods.

- Rice crackers with natural peanut butter
- “Sandwich” of banana slices stuffed with natural almond cream
- Strawberries with plain yogurt, unsweetened
- Frozen vegetable milk substitute popsicles, with cocoa powder and lightly sweetened
- Sliced cucumber with grated carrot on top
- Natural popcorn
- Corn toast with avocado and pico de gallo
- Papaya with cottage cheese
- Baked chips scrambled with grated vegetables
Source: Reforma