Hundreds of women demonstrated this May 10 all over Mèxico to demand that the federal government find their children
MÈXICO CITY, May 11, 2021 (TELEVISA).- This Mother’s Day, with protests, marches, and the demand for justice, mothers of missing persons demonstrated in different cities of the country.
In Mexico City, thousands of women marched towards the capital’s Zocalo demanding justice and demanding that the federal government find their children.
In Xalapa, Veracruz, members of different groups marched from the Palo Verde pantheon to Plaza Lerdo, where they posted photographs of their missing children and relatives.
“Seven years, ago disappeared, my son disappeared, and I have been looking for him ever since, I never saw him again, no clue where he is, no answers from authorities, nothing,” said Alejandra Burgos, one of the demonstrators.
Victoria Delgadillo’s daughter disappeared in Xalapa more than 9 years ago.
Since then, she has conducted her search, by her own means.
“Well, yes, today is Mother’s Day and as the mothers of the disappeared we have nothing to celebrate, that is why we are here, because we are still making it visible that our children are not there”, Victoria Delgadillo, Family Links Xalapa collective.

There were also demonstrations in Coatzacoalcos , the port of Veracruz and Orizaba.
In Michoacán, the group “Alzando Voces” demonstrated in front of the facilities of the 21 Military Zone in Morelia, where they asked for the whereabouts of 309 people, victims of forced disappearance.
In Culiacán, Sinaloa, a contingent of the group “Sabuesas Guerras” marched from the steps of the temple of La Lomita, in the Guadalupe neighborhood, to the atrium of the cathedral, where they held a rally.
There were also protests in La Paz, Baja California Sur. The group of mothers was joined by people from Los Cabos, who walked the streets of the state capital demanding justice for their loved ones that are missing.
In Guanajuato, members of the collective “Standing Until I Find You”, joined the national day of protest. Some 150 mothers, carrying the photos of their children, walked from the area known as Pastitos, to the Juárez Theater.
In Jalisco, on Sunday, May 09, mothers and relatives of the disappeared held a march and concentrated on the so-called “Monument to the Disappeared” in Guadalajara.
On the night of this Monday, May 10, they made a tribute at the same point, to remember the victims of forced disappearance in that city.
In Sonora, Tamaulipas and Morelos, the protests of mothers who have lost their children were also replicated.

UN-DH stands in solidarity with mothers of missing children
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH) in Mexico expressed its solidarity with the mothers of the nearly 87,000 disappeared in the country on Monday, May 10.
On Mother’s Day, Guillermo Fernández-Maldonado, representative of the UN-DH in Mexico, said that this commemoration is marked “by the painful absence of their sons and daughters, victims of forced disappearance or disappearance by individuals.”
Therefore, he continued in the statement, “we remember the importance of guaranteeing the rights to truth, justice and reparation.”
“We also give special recognition to the mothers of disappeared persons for their daily struggle not only to find their loved ones but also to promote better institutions, legislation and public policies, such as the Extraordinary Forensic Identification Mechanism,” added the UN representative.
Article 24 of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance recalls that the State must adopt all appropriate measures for the search, location, and release of disappeared persons and, in the event of death, for the search, respect, and restitution of his remains, indicated the bulletin.
“Today we reiterate to mothers who are looking for their children, to the daughters and sons who are looking for their disappeared mothers, that the UN-DH will continue to walk with you and also technically support the State in its efforts to guarantee the rights of the victims. of the disappearances and their families ”, concluded Fernández-Maldonado.

Mexico currently registers more than 87,700 missing and non-located persons, most of them, some 85,000, from 2006 to date.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised during his campaign as a presidential candidate that the attention to the relatives of the disappeared would be one of the main causes of his Government and created, among other measures, the National Search Commission. But ever since he is in office, he has not been very sympathetic with the cause of mothers looking for their missing children.
Source: Noticieros Televisa