The Humana Clinic reported the admission of the doctor without vital signs
HIDALGO, (June 11, 2021).- Doctor Beatriz Hernandez Ruiz was a victim of police violence, according to her family and friends. According to witnesses in the municipality of Progreso de Obregón, in Hidalgo. On Wednesday, June 9th, Beatriz, who was driving a compact vehicle, was involved in a car accident along with four other vehicles.
Because the accident was spectacular, Beatriz got out of her car to help the people involved, as she was a doctor at the Actopan General Hospital and Immediate Response Hospital.
Witnesses of the accident assured that there was no refusal to assume her responsibility and the payment of the damages on her part. However, she was violently detained by agents of the Progreso Obregón police and taken to the primary detention cells where she died hours later.
According to information provided by friends of Beatriz, before being admitted to the primary detention cells, the doctor was in good health.
In addition, they indicated that personnel from the Humana Clinic, where she was transferred to receive medical attention, confirmed that Beatriz died in the detention facility because when her body was transferred to the hospital she arrived without vital signs.
Due to these facts, the prosecutor’s office started an investigation folder, in which it is specified that Beatriz was detained in charge of the municipal police of Progreso de Obregón.
Through social networks, friends of Beatriz demanded justice for her case, assuring that she was attacked by elements of the police prior to her death.
“Today a friend and colleague passed away! Beatriz Ruiz !!! It is unknown what would have happened at the hands of municipal police, she was treated badly, insults and strangling Bety, this in a town called #ProgresoDeObregon in the state of Hidalgo, ” said David Toledo who identified himself as a friend of the victim in social networks.
David Toledo
Government of Progreso de Obregón, Hidalgo withdraws from the case
Through a statement issued by the municipal government of Progreso de Obregón, they assured that the woman was admitted to the primary care center and later visited by a man who identified himself as her father.
In this regard, the city council pointed out that the young doctor was found suspended with an object around her neck, which is why she was helped by agents of the police and taken to the hospital, where it was reported that she was dead.
“The municipal government extends its sincere condolences to the family for the loss of their loved one, and ratified its commitment to collaborate with the competent authorities to clarify the facts”.

Source: Milenio