Merida Yucatan; (June 19, 2021) (ACOM) .- The Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY) reported almost 300 new cases and 10 deaths from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours.
In the medical part, it was reported that 293 new coronavirus infections were detected: 181 in Mérida, 20 in Progreso, 16 in Hunucmá, 14 in Kanasín, 8 in Ticul, 5 in Buctzotz, 4 in Tizimín, 3 in Hoctún, Motul, Samahil , Seyé and Tecoh, and 2 in Conkal, Maxcanú, Tekax, Tixkokob and Tixpéual, Yucatán municipalities.
In addition to individual cases in Akil, Baca, Cacalchén, Chankom, Chicxulub Pueblo, Chocholá, Kinchil, Muna, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Santa Elena, Sotuta, Teabo, Temozón, Tetiz, Tinum, Tixcacalcupul, Umán and Xocchel, and a foreigner.
37,626 patients have already recovered: they do not have symptoms and cannot be contagious. This figure represents 85% of the total registered infections, which is 44,288.
Specifically, in Mérida 27,764 people have been diagnosed with Coronavirus (accumulated cases as of June 17), living in:
- 7,863 in the North zone
- 7,090 in the East zone
- 2,598 in the Downtown area
- 3,867 in the South zone
- 6,346 in the Poniente area
With regard to deaths, the deaths of six men and four women between the ages of 37 and 94 were reported, which are detailed below.
1.- 82-year-old female from Mérida Cardiovascular disease
2.- 85-year-old female from Mérida COPD / SAH
3.- 90-year-old male from Mérida COPD / cardiovascular disease
4.- 94-year-old female from Mérida No comorbidities
5.- Male 37 years of Mérida Obesity
6.- Male 74 years of Mérida HAS
7.- Female 47 years of Mérida No comorbidities
8.- Male 53 years of Dzidzantún DM / HAS
9.- Male 50 years of Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo Obesity
10.- Male 45 years old from Mérida DM / HAS
In total, there are 4,381 people who died from the Coronavirus.
Of the active cases, 1,969 are stable, isolated, monitored by SSY medical personnel; have mild symptoms. In addition, there are 312 people hospitalized in public clinics and in total isolation.