Mérida, Yucatán, (June 25, 2021).- Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal received the first dose of the Coronavirus vaccine on this day at the macro vaccination center installed at the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Center.
It should be remembered that Vila Dosal was supposed to be vaccinated 10 days ago, along with people from 40 to 49 years old, so he said he would be vaccinated on the day of the stragglers of that group. However, the vaccines ran out very early that day and, according to the rules set by the Federal Government’s Health Secretariat, it is his responsibility to attend the next vaccination day in Mérida, which is the one that is currently taking place.

Minutes before 5 in the afternoon, the Governor arrived at the macro vaccination center of the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Center, where after making the line, he registered with the citizens who also gathered this afternoon.
Subsequently, Vila Dosal received the first dose from the nurse Mario Joel Burgos Frías and went to the recovery area, where he remained for 15 minutes and then left.

The nurse Burgos Frías highlighted the accessible and simple attitude of Vila Dosal, who went to the corresponding vaccination center and carried out the vaccination process like any other citizen.
“Although he is the Governor, he is behaving like any other person in the town, he arrived and carried out the process, that speaks well of him,” said the health professional.

Before retiring, the Governor thanked the health personnel who contribute to the vaccination tasks in Mérida and the interior of the state, since their work is very important for the process to be carried out in the best way and has been recognized by the Yucatecans. due to the kindness and professionalism of their treatment.
Finally, Vila Dosal called on the general population not to lower their guard in sanitary measures, such as the use of face masks, constant hand washing, and healthy distance, since the vaccine does not prevent you from becoming infected or contagious to more people, but when you get sick it is not serious or hospitalization is required.