The French newspaper mentions that a Mexican president had never discredited the electoral authorities.
WORLD, June 02, 2021, (FORBES).- After the British weekly The Economist called President Andrés Manuel López Obrador a “false messiah,” now the French newspaper Le Monde published an article that talks about the “hyper-presidency” of the Mexican president.
The text entitled In Mexico, the “hyper-presidency” of “AMLO” electrifies the electoral campaign, takes up several phrases from López Obrador, and mentions that a Mexican president had never discredited the electoral authorities.
“Never has a Mexican president so discredited the electoral authorities. The confrontation between Andrés Manuel López Obrador (“AMLO”) and the INE electrifies the legislative and local election campaign scheduled for June 6, ” the text reads.
Jamais un président mexicain n’avait autant discrédité les autorités électorales. Le bras de fer engagé par Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (« AMLO ») électrise la campagne des méga-élections législatives et locales prévues le 6 juin.
— Le Monde (@lemondefr) June 1, 2021
The article signed by journalist Fréderic Saliba, who is a correspondent for the French newspaper in Mexico, points out that “his hyper-presidency, directed against counterweights, provokes an outcry against the risks, according to his critics, of autocratic drift.”
He also calls López Obrador’s morning conferences “a media ritual,” which, he says, “monopolizes the political debate and the public opinion day after day.”

In addition, he mentions that the president uses his morning lectures to praise his project called Fourth Transformation (4T) and to attack his political opponents. This despite, that the Mexican Constitution prohibits elected officials from taking a position during an electoral process, recalls the newspaper.
Last Friday, the president criticized the publication of The Economist, calling it crude and rude for calling him a “false messiah.”
Source: Forbes