Campeche, Camp., (June 18, 2021).- The recent heavy rains have caused some delays in the work of the Maya Train in the fillings and “plates” that are required to lay the tracks, so work is being carried out at forced marches, said Marco Sánchez Abnal, secretary-general of the Confederation of Workers and Countrymen (CTC).
The interviewee indicated that around four thousand Campechanos participate in this work, but they do so in non-specialized jobs, but as assistants or helpers.

“It is important to give training courses so that they have the opportunity of a better job, with a higher income,” he said and commented that Conalep intends to start a training course in road management in the municipality of Escárcega.
There are about four thousand workers distributed throughout the entire route of the Maya Train, as well as around 500 workers from other states that have some degree of specialty, that is why training is urgent for our people – Marco Sánchez Abnal concluded.